Can Soneone Hack Into Yur Air Conditioner With Blue Tooth

You might have seen a Bluetooth phone, maybe even a wireless speaker… but have you ever seen a Bluetooth Audio Receiver?

These incredible devices can make your life easier in so many ways. They should basically be called a life hack.

But what is a Bluetooth Audio Receiver? How can you use this device? And where can you find the best Bluetooth audio receiver for the best price?

This TaoTronics blog tells you everything you need to know! Impress your friends, your other half, and even your parents when you order one of these from Amazon. Explaining the device to them might be a different matter… Tell them to read this blog, it might be easier!

Read on for a full explanation of these devices and the advantages of owning one.

What is a Bluetooth Audio Receiver?

Have you ever streamed music from your phone to your car speakers, even though your car doesn't have an Aux input or Bluetooth?

Chances are, you will have used a Bluetooth audio receiver to make this happen.

These devices are arguably one of the most useful ways Bluetooth has been adapted since its origins in World War Two (only a slight exaggeration). They might not be up there with Hedy Lamarr's groundbreaking ideas for radio switching frequencies, but they can make your life easier by letting you connect any non-Bluetooth enabled device to your phone, iPad, or anything else you might want to stream audio from.

Learn more about Bluetooth 5.0

Let's say, for example, you have an old pair of speakers that still sound fantastic. You want to stream music from your iPhone 11 Pro, but it doesn't have an Aux connection and your speakers don't have Bluetooth. You have a few options:

  1. Buy new speakers.
  2. Buy an iPhone Aux adapter or try and find the one you lost before.
  3. Order the best Bluetooth audio receiver you can find so your phone doesn't just instantly connect to your old speakers, but your car or computer as well. Plug it into your non-Bluetooth enabled device, connect it to your phone, and start happily streaming.

We recommend option three. It makes sense both economically and for ease, especially if you're ordering online.

What Can This Device Do?

So, we've looked at what is a Bluetooth audio receiver? Now it's time to explore what this device is capable of.

When you choose a TaoTronics TT-BR010 Bluetooth Stereo Adapter or our car adapter TT-BR04, you're making an investment in a device that will help you in multiple ways. We explain a few of these below, from the most common use you are probably expecting to an uncommon usage you won't have thought possible.

Provide Wireless Music Streaming for Your Home Audio System and Speakers

This is the most common way to use this device. Connect multiple devices at once to make sure you have surround sound to watch your favorite shows. Really, the best Bluetooth audio receivers are integral to building your own home audio system. We have written about how to create a home theatre step-by-step, so you can enjoy the pleasure of a cinematic experience from the comfort of your sofa.

Convert Wired Speakers to Wireless and Broadcast Music Wirelessly

Picture the scene: You are having a party and realize at the last minute that your phone is not able to connect to the wired speakers you've had for the past who-knows-how-many years. What can you do?

Easy! Plug in the best Bluetooth audio receiver you can find and convert your wired speakers into wireless ones. This is probably cheaper than buying new speakers, although if you are looking for some new audio equipment that is both wired and wireless you should check out the amazing TaoTronics soundbar range.

Hands-Free Audio Streaming While You Drive

If you or your friends have an older car and want to listen to something that isn't the radio or your Eminem CD from college, pick up a receiver. It acts as an intermediary to make your car Bluetooth enabled – also handy for if you want to listen to directions from your maps.

Connect a Lavalier Wireless Microphone for Your DSLR Camera

The days of the gigantic video camera are long gone. Now, you can easily record on DSLR's and GoPros to capture every magical moment.

If you're looking to record a professional video, or if you just want to hear crystal clear voices, the sound recording on this equipment might not be enough. In that case, you will need a wireless mic. A Bluetooth audio receiver will help you connect your mic to your camera without any interruptions. It can also do the same for your iPhone!

Advantages of Owning This Device

Are the capabilities of a Bluetooth audio receiver not enough to persuade you to purchase? Okay, we'll take that challenge! Here are seven more advantages of owning this device that prove it will be your ultimate life-hack buy.

  1. Reliable connection: by its nature, you are not going to have your Bluetooth connection interrupted by anyone else's music or by a lack of Wi-Fi. You receiver will keep you streaming for as long as it's plugged in – or your phone has battery.
  2. Wide compatibility: these amazing little devices will connect to any Bluetooth 5.0 enabled devices, including phones, iPads and tablets, and laptops.
  3. Easier set-up: plug in, connect, play. That's it.
  4. Less equipment: most of the time, you only need the one device. Nothing needs to be added to your phone.
  5. Better security: Bluetooth is incredibly secure, so the least private part of the device will be when you use it to blast out your private WhatsApp voice notes by accident.
  6. Shorter is better: queues, days at work, people in front of you at a concert… this applies to many situations, but also to owning a Bluetooth audio receiver. They are shorter devices, meaning most of them are small enough to fit comfortably in any room or car.
  7. Manual authorization: once you have chosen to connect your device you can have complete control over the audio, straight from your handset.

These are all tried and tested bonuses of buying from TaoTronics. We can't vouch for any other device.

5 Tips to Buy the Best Bluetooth Audio Receiver

It wouldn't be a TaoTronics blog if we didn't give you tips and tricks on how to buy the best version of this item at an affordable price. That is what we are experts in, after all!

Our number one trick? Ask yourself, what is a Bluetooth audio receiver capable of, and how will I use it? Usability is absolutely key here. There is no point buying a device as part of a car kit when you only need it for inside the house, and vice versa. If you're only going to be using it in the car, this is even more important – you'll need the correct adapter that is built to maximize efficiency in the car and not get in the way as you drive.

When you choose a TaoTronics TT-BR010 Bluetooth Stereo Adapter or our car adapter TT-BR04, you're making an investment in a device that will help you in multiple ways.

Once you have looked at usability, there are four more key things to consider when you are buying the best Bluetooth audio receiver:

  • Good sound quality: streaming your audio via a Bluetooth receiver is not the clearest way of listening to music. Audiophiles might want to stick to a wired connection for that! When you choose carefully, however, you can find high quality receivers that provide a crisp and uninterrupted audio.
  • Range: to connect to speakers in your house or apartment, make sure to buy a receiver with excellent range. Anything around or over 100 feet is ideal; anything less, and you might struggle with connectivity if you move with your phone around your home. If you are only using your device in your car, range will not be so much of an issue.
  • Connectivity: is the device easy to set up? Will it connect to your phone via a simple Bluetooth pairing, or are extra steps needed? Is your phone even capable of receiving the signal? Make sure you have double checked all these necessities before you order.
  • Price: look to spend around $20 to $30 on a solid, reliable Bluetooth audio receiver. Buying cheaply might seem cost effective at first, but your purchase might be more fragile, have a smaller range, or be less widely connected to. Above this range and you might be overspending.

I Like That Bluetooth Audio Receiver. That is a Nice Receiver.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you to realize that the best Bluetooth audio receivers are nothing to be confused by. Instead, they are your ultimate life-hack that offer your phone full compatibility with all of your audio devices. They are also one of the cheapest and easiest ways to upgrade your speakers, especially if you have an older car that you don't want to let go of just yet.

What are you waiting for? Order your TaoTronics Bluetooth audio receiver from Amazon or the TaoTronics website today!

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