The Funny Xamples of Conversations Between Children Between Children and Their Teachers

Fun Conversation Topics For Kids

If you teach English to kids you probably know how difficult it can be to get students talking. One of the best ways to encourage students to talk more is by suggesting some fun and interesting conversation topics. On this page you can find a long list of fun conversation topics for kids and beginner English language students. And, at the bottom of this page you'll also find some practical tips for teaching these fun conversation topics to ESL kids.

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Fun Conversation Topics For Kids

  1. What's your favorite game to play?
  2. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
  3. What's the silliest thing you've ever done?
  4. What animal noises can you make?
  5. What's your favorite pizza topping?
  6. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
  7. What things do you not like?
  8. what makes a good friend?
  9. What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
  10. What are you thinking of right now?
  11. If you were King / Queen for the day, what would you do?
  12. What makes you laugh?
  13. What superpower would you like to have and why?
  14. Do you have any pets? Tell me about them.
  15. Tell me about something you do everyday.
  16. What are you most scared of?
  17. What is your favorite food?
  18. What is your least favorite food?
  19. What do you like to do at the weekend?
  20. Describe your bedroom.
  21. If you could be anything, what would you be and why?
  22. What's your dream job?
  23. Do you think it is important to be polite?
  24. What school subject do you like the most?
  25. Have you ever been to another country? Where did you go?
  26. Do you like male teachers or female teachers better? Why?
  27. What kind of music do you like?
  28. Can you play any musical instruments?
  29. What's the funniest movie you've ever seen?
  30. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?

Tips For Teaching Conversation To Kids

It's Okay To Make Mistakes

When teaching conversation to ESL kids it is important to focus on fluency and communication, rather than accuracy. The important thing is to be understood and this should be emphasized when teaching conversation to kids. If a teacher or student is constantly correcting a student's grammar, then this is likely to have a negative effect on that student's motivation. This in turn will lead to less conversation and less language learning. Conversing with others through communicative conversation is the best way for kids to develop their English conversation skills.

Introduce Conversation Class Rules

To ensure the students feel comfortable and safe when talking about their thoughts and feelings, it is important to establish some rules for your conversation class. This is especially important when teaching conversation to ESL kids. For example, make it a rule that when having a conversation students should listen carefully to their partner and should respect their ideas and opinions.

Also, you can demonstrate some ways in which students can ask for more information if they don't understand something, and teach them how to express politely that they disagree with their partner. Establishing some basically ground rules will ensure your class will run smoothly when teaching conversation to ESL kids.

Rotate Partners

Rotating partners while teaching conversation to ESL kids has several advantages. By talking with other members of the class, students will be exposed to different ideas and conversation styles. Students will also encounter students of different levels with different amounts of vocabulary. This will force students to adapt their conversation style in order to be understood, which is an important conversation skill.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary

After introducing one of the fun conversation topics, it may be necessary to pre-teach some vocabulary to the kids. Many times while teaching conversation classes, you may see kids not participating. Often this is simply because the students don't know the words that they need to know to express themselves. Kids may also be shy or embarrassed to ask for help. So, before your students start the conversation, make sure to pre-teach the key vocabulary needed for that particular conversation topic.

More Conversation Topics And Questions

For more conversation topics and questions, check out our sister site


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