One Quality Characteristic for Cabinet Manufacturers is Easy Sliding Drawers

One quality characteristic for cabinet manufacturers is easy sliding drawers: A drawer is considered easy sliding if ir does not get stuck when opened. His- torically; only 2% of the drawers get stuck. Ten drawers are randomly selected from a new lot: Each drawer is tested and all 10 must be easy sliding before the ncw lot is shipped: A Find the probability that the lot will be shipped: ba Find the probability that at least one drawer will get stuck: C Find the expected number of stuck drawers,

One quality characteristic for cabinet manufacturers is easy sliding drawers: A drawer is considered easy sliding if ir does not get stuck when opened. His- torically; only 2% of the drawers get stuck. Ten drawers are randomly selected from a new lot: Each drawer is tested and all 10 must be easy sliding before the ncw lot is shipped: A Find the probability that the lot will be shipped: ba Find the probability that at least one drawer will get stuck: C Find the expected number of stuck drawers, the variance, and the standard deviation:

Suppose your waiting time for a bus in the morning is uniformly distributed on $[0,8],$ whereas
waiting time in the evening is uniformly distributed on $[0,10]$ independent of morning waiting
(a) If you take the bus each morning and evening for a week, what is your total expected waiting time? [Hint: Define rvs $X_{1}, \ldots, X_{10}$ and use a rule of expected value.]
(b) What is the variance of your total waiting time?
(c) What are the expected value and variance of the difference between morning and evening waiting times on a given day?
(d) What are the expected value and variance of the difference between total morning waiting time and total evening waiting time for a particular week?

So we know that lumber these cuts are normally distributed And we know that the mean is length is 96", But the standard deviation of .5 for this lumber. And we want to know if you take an individual board, What is the likelihood that is longer than 96.25"? So we have in our little normal distribution picture here for individual boards, it's centered at 96, here is about 96.5, And we're dealing on 96.25 and we're finding that. So we want to convert that to a Z value, which I can already see what that Z value is, 96.25 -96, divided by the standard deviation, that's going to be half. And I can either look that up on a table and it's actually easier for me to look it up on the table and .5 less than negative .5. That's gonna give me .3085. So it's about 31 chance of that happening Now. We change the question, we take 40 boards and we find their means. What's the likelihood that the mean will be greater than 96.25? I noticed that distribution changes. The sampling distribution would still be centered at 96. However, it's standard deviation would end up being the .5 divided by the square root of 40. So let's just see what that is. .5 divided by the square root of 40 Comes out to be about point away, it comes out to be a .079. So if you go up one standard deviation, that's up to about 96.08 And we're going all the way up to 96.25 that and higher. So when we convert this to a Z value, We have 96.25 -196. But now divided by that standard deviation or the square root of end of that, this value of zero, about .08, because remember that's a mean Being of 40 boards being 90 Being Smelt finding the average of and having a B 96.25. And so if we take that .25 divided by that value, We get this z value is all the way up to 3.162, so it's over three standard deviations above the mean, and I'm going to use my normal CDF to find that the answer and when I do, I find out that that value comes out to be about this, so it's very unlikely. So in part C we can see that an individual board, it's very likely to get an individual board being that length. But to get a mean of 40 boards being larger than that is very, very unlikely.

For this exercise, we're told that a certain type of computer has defects at a rate of 0.1% and were asked to consider a sample of size 10,000. So our sample sizes 10,000 and the probability of a defect is zero point 1% which equals 0.1 Now for part A were asked to find the expected value and the standard deviation on the number of computers in our sample that have the defect. So if the random variable X is the number of computers with the defect, then we can say that X is a binomial random variable based on a sample of 10,000 and the probability of success of 0.1 So that is each. Each computer is a Bernoulli. Try Aly either success or a failure. The probability of success is constant for each computer, and we have a sample of 10,000 for a binomial random variable expected values and Times T, which gives us 10. And the standard deviation is equal to the square root of end times P times one minus p. Yeah, and this comes out to 3.16 So we have our expected value and our standard deviation. We expect to have 10 computers in our sample, 10,000 that have the defect, and the standard deviation on this value is 3.16 Next for Part B were asked for the approximate probability that more than 10 of the sample computers have the defect. So they say, approximate in the question. So suggests that we're going to use an approximation so we can say that End is large. It's 10,000 and p iss small 0.1 which means that we can use the puzzle approximation for the binomial. So we approximate with a Poisson random variable with new equal to n times p equals 10. So the probability that more than 10 of the sampled computers have the defect sequel to the probability that at most 9 to 1, minus the probability that at most nine to and it's equal to one minus the summation over these values and this comes out to 0.542 So there is a probability that a probability of 0.54 to that more than 10 of the computers have the defect. And for part C, we're asked again for the approximate probability that zero of the computers have the defect. So using the probability mass function for a plus on random variable, we have it is minus 10. Number 10 is our mean parameter for the main times tended exponents zero r zero factorial, which gives us E to the minus 10.

In this question. The scenario is that it is lunchtime at a given restaurant and customers are arriving at the drive thru in a random manner, and we were told that they follow a Poisson process with a rate of 0.8 customers per minute, so we can say the rate is 0.8 customers per minute. Now, when something follows a Poisson process, there's two things that we can say about it. The first is that the number of arrivals that occur in non overlapping time intervals are independent, and the second is that the number of arrivals in a given time interval follows a Poisson distribution with mean lambda T. So if we're given a certain time interval, the mean of the Poisson distribution is equal to Lamberti now. For part A were asked, what is the expected number of customers in one hour and what is the corresponding standard deviation? So if we define X as the number of customers that arrive in one hour, we know that X follows a possible distribution with mean equal to Lambda Times T. And so they mean for possible distribution is simply Lambda Times T, which is 0.8 times 60 minutes in one hour because this rate is 0.8 per minute and so that we expect that there will be 48 arrivals on average in one hour now. Another property of the possible distribution is that the variance on the number of arrivals is equal to the expected number of arrivals, which tells us that's the standard deviation on the number of arrivals is equal to the square root of 48. How and this is equal to 6.93 now for Part B. Were given information that the drive thru workers cannot handle more than 10 customers in any five minute span and were asked to find the probability that too many customers arrive for the workers to handle between the time of 12:15 p.m. And 12:20 p.m. So we're talking about a time of five minutes because it's a poison process. It doesn't matter if we're talking about the time interval from 12 05 to 12 10 or 12, 10 to 12 15 or 12 15 to 12 20. All that matters is theory length of time that passes, so if we want to find the probability that the drive thru cannot handle the number of customers that occur in that five minutes. We're looking for the probability that the number of customers who arrive in that five minutes is greater than 10 because we know that they can handle up to 10 customers in five minutes. And this is equal to one, minus the probability that the number of customer arrivals is that most 10. So this is equal to one minus. The summation from X is equal to zero to 10 of E to the minus lander times T, which is equal to minus four. I got that from tee times lambda, which is 0.8 times Lambda Times t to the exponents X over x factorial. You know, just to explain this, remember, the probability of getting X arrivals is equal to eat to the negative and the tea on celebrity to the exponents X over x factorial. So here we're finding the some of the probabilities of getting zero through 10 arrivals in the next five minutes and then subtracting that from one. And so if you calculate this, it comes out to about 0.0 28 So that is the probability that too many customers come between the time of 12:15 p.m. And 12:20 p.m. For the drive through staff to handle and moving on to Part C. We're told that a customer has just arrived and were asked to calculate the probability that another customer will arrive in the next 30 seconds. So one way to think of this question is that for a Poisson process, the inter arrival times are distributed according to an exponential distribution with rate lambda. So if we say that we define a as the inter arrival time, it's the time between subsequent arrivals. It follows an exponential distribution with parameter lambda, so we want the probability that a is less than or equal to 30 seconds. This is the cumulative distribution for the exponential distribution, and we know that our rate is 0.8 per minute. So to keep this consistent, I should probably put this in terms of minutes, so that would be half a minute and remember, for an exponential distribution, a cumulative function is one minus e to the negative Lambda Key. So if we feel these numbers in, we get one minus e to the negative 0.8 times half, and that should come out to zero point 33 with your calculator. So the probability that the next customer arrives in the next 30 seconds is about 0.33 now for Part D, starting at noon. We want to determine the expected arrival time of the 1/100 customer as well as the standard deviation of that time. So recall that the inter arrival times of customers air exponentially distributed, and we want to find the average time for the 1/100 customer to arrive. So if we define the time that it takes for the 1/100 customer to arrive, it is thesis, um, of all of the inter arrival times for the 1st, 2nd, third customer and so on up to the 1/100 customer where all of the teas are distributed according to the exponential distribution with rate parameter lambda. Then why some 100 is distributed as a gamma with parameter and equals 100 and Lambda equals 0.8. Now the expected time for why 7 100? It's simply end times one over Lambda and remember one over Lambda would be the expected enter arrival time between any successive arrivals and since Lambda equals 0.8 would simply be 1.25 minutes. That is the expected time between success of any two successive arrivals. So for the 1/100 arrival, all we're doing is multiplying that by 100. So we end up with 125. So the expected time for the 1/100 arrival is 125 minutes. And the standard deviation for the 1/100 arrival is given by the square root of end times one over Lambda squared and this comes out to 12.5 seconds. So the standard deviation on the expected time for the 1/100 arrival is 12.5 seconds s. Sorry. Actually, that's minutes. So our units are minutes. So the standard deviation has the same units as the expected Valley, which are minutes

Hi, This is Problem five of Chapter five, Section two. This problem a contractor is able to build four different types of homes. Each of these homes has a varying number windows that ranges from 6 to 9. The probability that a customer contracts a home with a specific number of windows is given in the table here. So, for example, there is a 30% chance that a customer will contract at home with six windows and the 5% chance that a customer verbal contract at home with nine windows. What we want to know is the mean variance and standard deviation of this distribution. So let's go ahead and find our mean first. So here we have that the mean is gonna be equal to six times zero point three plus seven times your 0.4 uh plus eight times your point 25 plus nine times you're a 90.5 This ends up giving us a mean of 7.5 Thanks. Let's find our variance. So Sigma Squared is gonna be equal to six squared times 0.3 plus seven squared times. Your point for plus eight squared into the 4th 8 squared times your point 25 plus nine squared times. Zero point is hero five. And let's subtract off 7.5 squared. That ends up giving us a variance equal to seven or 0.74 75 And, of course, we can get our standard deviation by taking the square root of armor variants. So square is your 0.74 75 ends of Equalling zero point 86 46 And that is our standard deviation. All right, Thank you.

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