How Do I Change the Title of My Show Once I Uploaded Into Itunes

The whole idea of starting a podcast is to accomplish out to every bit many listeners as possible. What improve way to achieve this than listing your podcast on iTunes / Apple podcasts?

In this postal service we will become through a stride by step process to upload / publish podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts

Why to upload podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcast

iTunes is the nigh popular way to accomplish out to millions of listeners with your podcast.

There are many other podcast apps such equally Overcast, Castbox, and Pocket Casts etc. which utilize iTunes / Apple tree Podcasts as their source of data.

This means, in one case you upload your podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts information technology volition automatically show upward in these apps without y'all having to take whatever extra efforts.

Apple Podcast is arguably the nearly widely used platform by podcast listeners all across the world and getting your podcast on iTunes / Apple Podcasts tin actually assistance you to reach a large audience.

It is also fairly simple to upload / publish podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts and does not take a lot of time.

Below is the step past stride process!

The Workflow to upload podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcast

Below prototype explains the workflow to upload your podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts in simple terms.

Upload podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts
  • Record and edit the podcast to best of your abilities and brand it equally professional sounding every bit possible.
  • Find the hosting service of your choice and select the suitable subscription.
  • Upload your mp3 file and generate RSS feed for your podcast.
  • Complete the settings required past iTunes / Apple Podcasts
  • Log in to Podcast connect and connect your RSS feed to iTunes and expect till your podcast is canonical.

Allow'southward see all the steps in more detail.

Step one: Record and edit your podcast

Well, the start obvious footstep is to record your podcast and edit the aforementioned to the required quality. It may sound likewise preliminary but is essential to record and edit a professional sounding podcast before yous upload it on iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

The podcast must have a nice intro, outro, good volume levels, no distracting sounds or loud background music.

Once you take a nice sounding sound, you tin can save it in .mp3 file for all the further process.

You can check out the Authoring Best Practices to find out more nearly the all-time quality and file size.

You can utilize these guidelines to create the all-time possible quality and file size merchandise-offs while ensuring a pleasant and distortion-free listening experience.

Step 2: Select the podcast hosting platform for iTunes / Apple Podcasts

 There is a major misconception that iTunes / Apple tree Podcast straight hosts the podcasts and makes it bachelor to the listeners. Well that's non really the case.

iTunes / Apple Podcasts is only a pod-catcher, the bodily music file (.mp3 file) is actually hosted somewhere else. The size of the audio files is very large and neither iTunes nor the standard web hosts have the bandwidth required to handle the podcasts and hence dedicated hosting services are required.

You can read well-nigh it in more detail in below posts.

What Is A Podcast Host : Do You Really Demand I ?

What is a podcast used for ? Most Everything !

What Is a Podcast : The Consummate Story

Selecting the right host tin can accept care of a lot of future worries. There are many popular hosting services out there.

SoundCloud, Libsyn, Blubrry, Amazon S3, Podbean, PodOmatic, and BuzzSprout are a few popular ones. You can choose whatsoever other service also, the only advantage of some of these is information technology make publishing your podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts a little easier.

Most of the hosting services come with monthly, yearly subscription plans. Some of them also have gratis plans to offset your podcasting journey at a lesser cost.

Step 3: Upload your podcast to your host and generate RSS feed.

One time you have recorded and edited your podcast and accept the hosting platform selected, the next important step is to upload your podcast to the hosting platform.

You will need to upload the mp3 file to the hosting platform and depending on the platform you volition need to fill in the required details so that you tin depict your podcast.

In one case you lot have uploaded the audio file to your hosting platform, you will demand to notice the RSS feed for your show.

"RSS" stands for "Rich Site Summary,". In simple words information technology is basically a text file with all the information about your podcast. Every fourth dimension a podcaster records and puts up a new MP3 file on the host the RSS is updated with the latest information. RSS provides a summary of the podcast information to the next link in the chain i.due east. the Pod-Catcher ( iTunes / Apple Podcasts)

Here are some videos to upload your podcast to various hosting platforms and finding the RSS feeds required for submitting it to iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

Soundcloud Guide :

Some of the hosting platforms also provide a one click solution to submit your podcasts to iTunes from within the hosting website itself.

This can save yous a lot of hassle and you can avoid farther steps mentioned below.

Footstep 4: Make full in the Required Podcast Settings for iTunes / Apple Podcasts

There are a few settings that you must accept in place before yous submit your podcast. Make sure you've filled in every one of the following:

  • Apple ID
  • Title: The name of your podcast prove
  • Description: A short description, summery of your podcast show and some words virtually why people should heed to your show, what tin they expect from your show.
  • Category: You should fill in three categories for your podcast. This helps iTunes to classify your podcast and offering it to the right listeners when relevant terms are searched.
  • Artwork: Create a catchy artwork for your podcast and submit it to your hosting service. Artwork creates the first impression and we propose spending a little fleck coin or fourth dimension to brand nice looking artwork. (Your artwork is a square jpg or png formatted paradigm at least 1,400 10 1,400 and at most 3,000 x three,000 in size in RGB color space. An prototype that is one,400 x 1,400 jpg is strongly recommended every bit it provides the most optimal image quality and smallest file size which are important for spider web and mobile content)
  • Explicit: Land whether your testify is for adults only or non
  • Copyright: Data virtually who owns the copyrights for this prove.
  • Language: The language of your podcast.
  • Website: Website for the podcast or your weblog referring to this podcast. Post the URL.

There are many other settings required past different hosting platforms to accommodate their own requirement, just these are the essential ones to upload your podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

Apple tree has other requirements also you tin read information technology here.

Apple Podcast Requirements.

Step five: Submitting your podcast to iTunes / Apple tree Podcast

This is the last step of the procedure, off grade you still take to wait for approving after this stride and provide some data to apple if required., simply this is the terminal stride to Upload / Publish Podcast To iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

You lot are not actually submitting your podcast to iTunes or Apple podcasts.

A couple of years ago, podcasts were chop-chop and directly submitted through the iTunes app. But to requite creators more control over their podcasts, Apple has moved the process to their dedicated podcast portal, iTunes Podcasts Connect. If you always lose this link, yous tin can always notice it on your iTunes app. Here's how:

While logged in, click on the iTunes Store tab.

Scroll to the lesser and click on the Podcasts link under Explore.

On the right-paw side, click Submit a Podcast to open the Podcasts Connect page.

Once y'all've loaded the iTunes Podcasts Connect page, follow the steps below:

  • Log in with your Apple ID.

If y'all don't already have an apple account, you'll need to annals at Podcasts Connect.

  • Click the "+" on the left side of your dashboard to add together a new evidence to your directory.
  • On the side by side folio, you will have to enter your RSS feed address that you got from your hosting service in step number 3 and click the "Validate" push.
  • You will run into once Apple has analyzed your feed. The important thing is whether it validated or not. You volition meet that in the 'condition' indicator that appears to the right of your RSS feed.
  • If your feed does not get validated, become back to previous step and consummate or fill in any missing podcast details. Chances are yous have missed some of the details required as mandatory past Apple tree Podcasts.
  • Once validated, bank check your show'south details, and so click the Submit push!

Last Stride: Expect for Approval!

Once you lot submit your podcast to iTunes / Apple tree Podcasts and it gets validated, you have to wait anywhere from 24 hrs. to a few days.

The most common timeframe required for approval is 2 to 3 days.

If you have a date in mind for your podcast launch, it is essential to keep some margin and upload information technology a piffling early. This may mean the bear witness is already public before the intended date merely its better than non having the show available at all !

You will get an email from Apple tree confirming that your podcast is nether review and another email that will include a link to your agile podcast once it has been approved.

Typical Apple tree Podcasts Connect Validation Errors

  1. Mistake: Can't read your feed: Apple Podcasts is unable to find a podcast feed at the URL specified. We recommend to examination the RSS feed in a browser, it must announced in readable fashion.
  2. The podcast artwork is not of the appropriate size, format, color space and/or hosted on a HTTP/one.1 complaint spider web server: Follow the guidelines for artwork as specified by Apple tree. Your artwork is a square jpg or png formatted image at least 1,400 ten 1,400 and at most 3,000 10 3,000 in size in RGB color infinite. An paradigm that is 1,400 x one,400 jpg is strongly recommended
  3. Podcast rejected: If this happens without any explanation, it is most likely due to championship related error. A podcast prove with exactly same title might exist already present. Change the title and resubmit the podcast.

Read hither well-nigh detailed podcast submission requirements from Apple.


At that place are five main steps to get your podcast into iTunes / Apple tree Podcast.

Tape and edit the podcast to best of your abilities and make information technology every bit professional sounding equally possible. Notice the hosting service of your selection and select the suitable subscription.

Upload your mp3 file and generate RSS feed for your podcast. Complete the settings required by iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

Log in to Podcast connect and connect your RSS feed to iTunes and wait till your podcast is approved.

If all goes well you should have your podcast accessible to millions of listeners in no time !

Welcome to your podcasting journey with quickstartpodcast team.

Below paragraphs accept links to all our posts in a logical manner starting from being a podcast listener to beingness a podcast creator.

The podcast Listener phase :

The podcasting journeying generally begins with various questions such as what is a podcast , what a podcast is used for ? how to listen to a podcast , what are the best android and iOS apps to listen to podcast .

Depending upon the things that you like you lot volition search for fiction podcasts , educational podcasts etc. About of the people restrict their journey in podcasting to this level. They just end upward being listeners to podcasts. Some of then have the next leap of faith and decide to first their own podcast.

Podcast creator Phase :

How to start your podcast ? is the main question they are faced with . Once that you have decided to get-go a podcast , what should be the name of the podcast , what should be the podcast format , which podcasting niche should you lot chose , what should be episode titles , what are pop podcast formats and what should exist mine and and then on ..

What is the right equipment for creating a podcast , what are the best XLR , USB , Condenser and dynamic microphones bachelor. Tin I record my podcast in an iPHONE , What should be the polar pattern , should I use an audio interface or a mixer , exercise I need a Pop filter . There are then many question . How much podcasting will cost me , what are dissimilar setups based on my budget.

Once you in the journey of podcasting y'all volition need to decide how should be a great podcast intro , how to record the podcast , how to record podcast online , how to exam the mic , what should exist length and frequency of my podcast , how to make great sounding podcasts and finally how to brand money from podcasting ? ..

Whats is a podcast host and do I demand ane ?? , Uploading podcasts to google podcast and Apple podcasts are also crucial steps.

The journey starts from beingness a podcast listener going all the way to beingness a keen podcast creator and quickstartpodcast is there with yous in all this journeying.


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